My 3D and Stereoscopic Photography
3D photography on a shoestring!

My Own Homemade Single Use Disposable 3D Camera

One of the attractions of 3D photography are the opportunities for a DIY approach to the medium. Genuine 3D cameras are few and far between and are often expensive but it is possible to create a working arrangement with pairs of identical cameras. In a quest to create the cheapest usable 3D stereocamera I built the machine shown here. Two disposable Fuji cameras, some pieces of wood, screws, and some elastic bands and it was ready!

Single Use Stereo Camera.

After shooting the films and developing them you can create side by side stereo pairs for viewing with a stereo viewer or scan the negatives and create anaglyphs.

Economical in the extreme and great fun to use with the guarantee of strange looks from passers by!

Check out some images taken with this on my Fuji Throwaway Stereo Camera Stereocards andFuji Throwaway Camera Anaglyph galleries.